Resources in English AND Spanish - Take a look with Lyla in the Loop!
Bienvenidos! Welcome! Did you know that you can see all of our PBS KIDS resources online in Spanish as well as English? You and your familia can enjoy videos, activities, and games in Spanish by simply changing the settings on the website or app.
As you and your family dive into the activities we have planned for you this March, take a minute to read this article* and learn how to use the kitchen and dining room as places for your young ones to improve their math skills. You can get them familiar with measurements and volume while cooking, help them with pattern recognition as you set the table together, and work on spatial reasoning while loading the dishwasher. There are lessons everywhere you look!
If your kids are getting antsy for better weather to play outdoors, make a glitter jar** together to help them stay calm and regulate their emotions. It’s an easy craft you can make together with things you probably have sitting around the house that can help kids learn the soothing effects of deep breaths.
All of this content and so much more is available for free in Spanish and English!
Head to our Games page for educational video games that are already translated into Spanish for kids to play in the car, after school, or when parents just need a little quiet time!
**Activity 1 in English: Make a Mindfulness Jar
Activity 1 in Spanish: Hagan una jarra de mindfulness con brillo
Check back at BasinPBS.org in April for a new educational fun pick!